Association des collèges et universités de la francophonie canadienne ( ACUFC )

ACUFC brings together 21 francophone and bilingual colleges and universities located in the country's Francophone minority communities, outside of Quebec, which offer more than 1,150 French-language programs in all fields. ACUFC member institutions are pillars in their communities and contribute to both the development of human capital and the cultural and economic development of these communities and Canada as a whole.
ACUFC offers French Second Language Scholarships to enable high school graduates to continue their studies in one of the 13 participating ACUFC member institutions. These students come from an immersion program, enriched French or basic French in high school. Twenty-five (25) $ 5,000 Entrance Scholarships are available through the Canadian Heritage Second Language Learning Program. The CEGEP Network and the Francophone Colleges of Canada are also partners in the initiative.
The fellow will be interested in participating in a project / activity in French in his host community. The scholarship program includes a community component of a minimum duration of 45 hours in which the student must commit, which allows him to integrate into his post-secondary environment and into the surrounding community. Scholarships are worth $ 5,000 for the first year of college or university studies. Application deadline is in June annually. Refer to website for eligibility details and more.