Concours et festival d’art oratoire is a provincial French public-speaking contest for FSL students in grade 4 through 12 studying in an Ontario English First Language school. It is organized by the Ontario Modern Language …
Canadian Parents for French’s Concours d’art oratoire is Canada’s largest, annual French‑language public‑speaking competition, involving close to 100,000 students every year, and thousands of dollars worth of prizes. The aims of this public-speaking contest are to stimulate the …
The Toronto French Book Fair, the “Salon du Livre de Toronto,” was incorporated in 1993 to organize a four day annual event each December at the Toronto Reference Library. Its mandate is to act as …
La Boussole is a Francophone non-profit organization based in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver. Its objective is to help Francophones in need to access vital social services; prioritizing access to health services, housing and employment …