Junior Counsellors

Each year, Canadian Parents for French – Nova Scotia provides an opportunity for over 500 students across Nova Scotia to attend French camp, a week-long immersion in the French language. Canadian Parents for French – Nova Scotia is presently accepting applications for Junior Counsellor positions.
As a Junior Counsellor, students will be responsible to:
Ø stay in cabins with younger campers, and a Senior Counsellor.
Ø assist in camp programs (ie. skits, afternoon activities, games, waterfront supervision).
Ø be required to speak only in French to ensure that the experience is as enriching as possible for the campers.
Ø be able to network, and meet other high school French immersion students from across Nova Scotia.
Ø have room and board expenses paid for the duration of camp covered by CPF.
Ø be responsible for your own transportation to and from the camp grounds.
Ø receive an honorarium of $250 from CPF per week. Returning Junior Counsellors will receive a $300 honorarium per week.
Ø have a wonderful week of being with younger students, and having fun!as possible for the campers.
Ø be able to network, and meet other high school French immersion students from across Nova Scotia.
Ø have room and board expenses paid for the duration of camp covered by CPF.
Ø be responsible for your own transportation to and from the camp grounds.
Ø receive an honorarium of $250 from CPF per week. Returning Junior Counsellors will receive a $300 honorarium per week.
Ø have a wonderful week of being with younger students, and having fun!
Applicants must be a minimum of 16 years old. The Canadian Parents for French, Nova Scotia Camp Coordinator will be calling the applicants for interviews once they have an idea of camper enrollment.
Candidates who are graduating, grade 12 and are over 18 yrs, should contact the branch office to apply as senior counselors.