


185 results found
Programs & Exchanges


The Odyssée ( Odyssey ) Language Assistant Program is a bilingual, paid, professional work experience that involves travelling to Quebec or New Brunswick to work with students for nine months developing their oral communication skills …

Explore – full time and part time students!

Explore is a  three to five week intensive French-immersion bursary program for students at least 13 years old and older. Participants will discover another region of Canada while learning French in classes adapted to their …

Projects Abroad

Founded in 1992, Projects Abroad is one of the largest volunteer abroad organizations in the world.  Over 10,000 people are sent abroad each year on a variety of service projects and internships overseas. All participants …

École Québec Monde

École Québec Monde originates from Association Québec dans le monde, a not-for-profit organization dedicated since 1983 to the international eminence of Quebec and the French language. They offer courses in French as a Second Language (FSL) and French …

International Experience Canada

If you are a Canadian youth aged 18-35, International Experience Canada ( IEC ) offers a unique opportunity to gain valuable work experience while travelling abroad for up to two years. Participants can choose from …

Student Work Abroad Program

Student Work Abroad Program ( SWAP ) is a not-for-profit owned by the Canadian Federation of Students. It was founded in 1975 and has sent over 50,000 Canadians abroad on working holiday adventures and career training. …

GEOS Languages Plus Montréal

GEOS was founded in 1973 and is known for its ESL/FSL programs and language courses abroad for students with a keen interest in learning. GEOS is part of a large global network of schools and programs for …

Teaching Assistant Program in France (TAPIF)

The Teaching Assistant Program in France ( TAPIF ) is a joint initiative of the French Ministry of Education, the Centre international d’études pédagogiques (CIEP) and the Cultural Services of the French Embassy. The program’s …

Fédération de la jeunesse franco-ontarienne (FESFO)

The Federation of Francophone youth (FESFO) was created in 1975 by young people who wanted to “ensure that the Franco-Ontarian youth participate fully in the development of his community.” FESFO is the representation of young …