Université du Québec à Chicoutimi

Université du Québec à Chicoutimi ( UQAC ) is a branch of the Université du Québec founded in 1969 and based in the Chicoutimi borough of Saguenay, Quebec. Reasonably small classroom sizes and professors who are concerned about their students are some of the factors that make UQAC an educational institution where it's possible to feel that you're a somebody. UQAC's 6500 students share a faculty of 220 professors. Course programs offered at the university are taught solely in French.
Non-Francophone students who wish to obtain a university degree or diploma, the UQAC's École de langue française et de culture québécoise offers a variety of services. Whether it's a three to five week immersion program, a semester or a whole year of studies, students will live 100% in French. With complete integration into Quebecois life, courses focused on oral communication and quality teaching based on over 30 years of professional expertise, the École offers a complete training program, both in the summer and winter seasons.
On top of the French courses included in the intensive immersion programs, the École de langue française et de culture québécoise offers a learning environment that relies on discovering and enjoying the Quebecois culture and the Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean region. Improvisation, sports, theatre, folk dancing, tourist activities and many more ways to experience the Quebecois culture in French are offered to the students.