French for the Future

French for the Future/ Le français pour l’avenir is a not-for-profit organization based in Ottawa that supports and motivates high school students on their path towards bilingualism. French for the Future promotes Canada’s official bilingualism and the immediate and lifelong benefits of learning and communicating in French to FSL (French Second Language) and FFL (French First Language) students from grades 7 to 12 across Canada.
French for the Future supports students and educators and also provides a variety of events and volunteer opportunities for students to speak and learn about the benefits of being bilingual. Another service French for the Future offers is conducting workshops and facilitating at speaking engagements.
Events: Francophone Sessions -A Franconnexion Session is an event suitable for students in grades 7 to 12 enrolled in any French program (Core, Extended, Immersion, French as a First Language). This one-hour, half-day, or full-day event takes places within a school or school board and gives students the opportunity to participate in workshops and cultural activities centered on the benefits of speaking French. Franconnexion Sessions supports students connect the French skills/language they acquired in the classroom with the real-life benefits of being bilingual. Local
Forums - Hosted in over 15 cities across Canada, French for the Future’s Local Forums unite FSL (French Second Language) and FFL (French First Language) high school students for the opportunity to discover and experience the cultural and professional value of continuing a bilingual education. By participating in a Local Forum, students attend creative and informative workshops, engage in discussions, and take part in exciting cultural events and activities. In also meeting bilingual professionals and sharing ideas and perspectives on French learning, these students become part of the dynamic bilingual community in their region.
Volunteer Opportunities: Student Ambassador - Selected Student Ambassadors encounter several jam-packed days of fun, interactive workshops and activities centered on the significance of bilingualism. The students gather to share their experiences and to discuss the challenges and advantages of speaking both of Canada’s official languages.