Known for her musical and theatrical school performances, Hélène Nicole is the creator of Gotta Love That French, Le français ça me plaît, a highly interactive multimedia stage performance serie that toured English Canada from …
Canadian Parents for French’s Concours d’art oratoire is Canada’s largest, annual French‑language public‑speaking competition, involving close to 100,000 students every year, and thousands of dollars worth of prizes. The aims of this public-speaking contest are to stimulate the …
Le Salon du livre du Grand Sudbury is a feast of literature since 2004 and is considered to be the most important literary event held in the Sudbury region. It is an exhibition of books, a celebration …
Franco‐Ontarian Festival is held annually in Ottawa during the month of June and is considered to be the biggest Francophones and Francophiles celebration in Canada. For over 40 years Ontario’s French population has celebrated with musical presentations …