The Fédération des parents francophones de Terre-Neuve et du Labrador

Created by parents in 1989, the FPFTNL is a provincial organization that represents the interests of francophone children and parents in affairs related to education. The organization is a member of the Commission nationale des parents francophones (CNPF). The FPFTNL is financed by Official Languages Support Programs administered by the Department of Canadian Heritage.
Preschools Program:
The Preschools Program allows children to discover their world in the French language, alongside their parents. Francophone preschools are fundamental to the development of children who live in a linguistic minority. Preschools are available in the regions of Cape St. George, Mainland, Labrador City, Goose Bay and St John’s. This service is for children aged 3-4.
Saturday Clubs and Summer Camps:
Their programs offer enjoyable activities in French for children aged 5-14 on Saturdays or during summer vacation, in order to encourage the use of French outside of the classroom. They create an environment conducive to learning about the French language and francophone culture through fun, stimulating and creative activities. The camps promote the development and growth of young people’s socio-cultural identity while also encouraging the use of the French language. Saturday Clubs are available in the regions of Mainland and L’Anse au Claire and Summer camps are available in Goose Bay and St John’s.
L’élan des parents:
The association publishes a bilingual magazine for parents available on line.