


899 results found

Glendon College - York University

A part of York University located in Toronto, Glendon College offers a university education unique in Canada for its combination of quality academic offerings, campus experience, and commitment to bilingualism. Glendon College offers a B.Ed and …

McGill University

McGill University is one of Canada’s best-known institutions of higher learning and one of the leading universities in the world. With students coming to McGill from some 150 countries, the student body is the most …

Bilingual Link

Bilingual Link  is an online service in Ontario that offers bilingual opportunities in internships, jobs, careers, resume building, and OTHER additional services. Since 1998, they have helped more than 30,000 candidates find work in the …

Université de Montréal

Université de Montréal ( UdeM ) is a public research university in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The francophone institution comprises thirteen faculties, more than sixty departments and two affiliated schools: the École Polytechnique (School of Engineering) and HEC Montréal …

University of Sudbury

The University of Sudbury is a bilingual university based in the tradition of its founding Jesuit Fathers, and committed to promoting the traditions and culture of the Indigenous people. The university is also a proud …

Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue

Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue is a public university within the Université du Québec network, with campuses in Val-d’Or and Rouyn-Noranda. The mission of l’UQAT is to transfer learning and to help students develop their own …

GEOS Languages Plus Montréal

GEOS was founded in 1973 and is known for its ESL/FSL programs and language courses abroad for students with a keen interest in learning. GEOS is part of a large global network of schools and programs for …

Projects Abroad

Founded in 1992, Projects Abroad is one of the largest volunteer abroad organizations in the world.  Over 10,000 people are sent abroad each year on a variety of service projects and internships overseas. All participants …

Université du Québec à Chicoutimi

Université du Québec à Chicoutimi ( UQAC ) is a branch of the Université du Québec founded in 1969 and based in the Chicoutimi borough of Saguenay, Quebec. Reasonably small classroom sizes and professors who are …

Teaching Assistant Program in France (TAPIF)

The Teaching Assistant Program in France ( TAPIF ) is a joint initiative of the French Ministry of Education, the Centre international d’études pédagogiques (CIEP) and the Cultural Services of the French Embassy. The program’s …

MCP Speakers

A great speaker can deliver one of the most powerful experiences. The spoken word can be a driver of change, inspiration, motivation and emotion. MCP Speakers is an agency that provides established and professional speakers including …